Montreal Flights

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Prices are for return travel taxes included from Montreal.

See all Montreal flight and bus entries.

Moscow $850 (US) $940 (Canadian)

Return flights to Moscow (SVO) on Aeroflot, Russia's national airline, are a very good deal - from as low as US$850! Many dates are also available for US$859 and US$869. There are also flights to St. Petersburg (LED) from US$973 in October. These deals can be found and booked by doing a flexible date search on Orbitz.

Keywords: europe aeroflot st petersburg

Monday, May 14 2007 3.36pm

Suggested Good Deals to Europe

Montreal to Vienna, Austria $747 (july august 2007)
Montreal to Tel Aviv, Israel $1055 (fall november december 2007)
Montreal to Warsaw, Poland $912 (october november 2007)
Montreal to Istanbul, Turkey $1068 (may june 2007)
Montreal to Manchester, UK $461 (may june 2007)
Montreal to London, England (Gatwick) $670 (early june 2007)
Montreal to Athens, Greece $854 (jun 2007)
Montreal to Madrid, Spain $601 (may june 2007)

Montreal to Asia Pacific Europe USA Latin America Canada Africa